...so I joined them. Yesterday I got a Blackberry and started a friggin' Facebook account to keep in constant contact with the Princess, the Beloved, the Athlete (and perhaps - occasionally - the office) from afar.
So far I'm not thrilled - seems like I spend most of my time deleting notifications, txts, and emails from the Blackberry. How do people get anything done?!?
I am so 20th century....
[I would have posted this yesterday but given my stated loathing and opposition to these networking sites but I figured you'd think I was April Fooling you...]
'America First' Americans
1 day ago
Now that you've gotten yourself a Blackberry and a Facebook account, watch out for Twitter. It's WAY more addictive than the other two :)
I thought Princess was forbidden to have an account?
This morning I was dragging myself out of bed and through the shower. Canuck said "Hey, come here! Look who's on Facebook!"
I was so surprised, it woke me right up! (And I said, "hey, wonder if this means the Princess gets to have a FB account now...")
hehe, tis okay, glad that you came against your will, hahaha...I haven't gotten on board with twitter....I'm fighting that one.
I'm still resisting Facebook. My next phone tho will be a Blackberry. And just today I was invited to join LinkedIn.
Pretty soon I won't have to meet anyone face-to-face. Which is good since you think I ought to be slap'd!
I have Twitter and do not see the point of it. Actually, now that I think about it, I just decided to close my account. Facebook is okay only because so many family members post pictures and announcements. The problem with Facebook is that people are always sending me stuff (green patches or whatever) or challenging me to take a quiz. (I ignore them.)
I do spend too much time playing on the computer. My housework and bookkeeper are suffering.
Kasia, you are right - we did swear there would be no facebook for the Princess. However, a bet was made about her semester average and she won - above a 95% overall and she got to give it a try. We blocked the b***es and the Athlete has some friends monitoring their comments to make sure there's nothing nasty going on. So far, no problems.
She is still on a trial basis, both parents know the password and she doesn't, so one of us has to log her in and approve the friends she makes.
We shall see what transpires.
Oh Larry...you know it's a "slap'd" meant with love...you crack me up!
If we ever do meet up when the fam and I are halfway to Chicago, I see us laughing like fools while our beloved spouses roll their eyes and mutter "...children...."
Clamuck would have to be there, too!
You spelled Blackberry and Facebook wrong - it's CRACKberry and CRACKbook LOL!
Kit, I was happy to see you on FB! El Centavo Malo asked me tonight, somewhere 'round the 2nd beer, "Who's this guy?" and pointing to his beloved iPhone. I looked and then hit him upside the head, saying, "That's Kit's Nigerian priest friend! Can't you see the man has no vowels in his name?" El Centavo said, "Oh, " and went on, I believe, to take your suggestion . . . I swear, we all watch out for that boy at St. Joe's!
Kit, welcome to the 21st century! FB is good for quickly looking at "status" for your friends, and all the family photos etc. are nice. I just put up a few for my younger cousins who hadn't seen those particular pics. of their dad when dad was young. As for "notification that x wrote on x's wall" you just ignore it. :-D
I have to figure out how not to clog the blackberry with all the fb and blog notifications. I spend stupid amounts of time deleting stuff
kit you can set up the facebook account NOT to notify your email account. Also I don't use the gemoftheocean account for anything except facebook and the blog - I keep a separate email acct for my regular stuff. So I seldom check the "gem" accot, and it doesn't clog my regular mail.
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