Friday, July 31, 2009

HMD #36.5

Beautiful Stranger takes the lead:

Westley and Buttercup are scheduled to meet - ice cream social is tomorrow....tensions are high....cute little sundresses are littering the hallways and options are being considered.....

HM will update you accordingly, after dodging the "does this make my butt look big?" and "I think I'm getting arm fat!" bullets several dozen more times between now and then.

HM out...I hear practice primping coming from the third floor....must feign sleep.....


Packrat said...

I'm so thankful it is you going through this. ;) Just think, you have another one coming up to that age. Actually, enjoy it - as trying as it might be. They leave home way too fast.

gemoftheocean said...

:-D Princess hasn't learned to cultivate one gay male friend to whom she can ask the question "Does this make my butt look big?" moms shouldn't have to do that!