(From Foxnews.com):
Barack Obama and his wife Michelle have resigned their membership at the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, after controversies stemming from the church created a persistent distraction for Obama’s campaign.
Obama said Saturday that he made the decision with “some sadness,” but that he had been discussing it with his family for “quite some time” and that he did not want to be a continuing burden on the congregation. [Emphasis added]
Who does he think he's fooling?
Pick and click to read the whole story:
Click here: Obama Quits Church After Controversy - AOL News
random thoughts on Sunday afternoon
1 week ago
We found a lot of crazy stuff on him on the internet. Hard to see what is truth between all the hype. I don't trust him. That I know for certain. He's crazy with a capitol K.
I always giggle when Ann Coulter calls him B. Hussein Obama.
"The furor began with anti-American and racially charged comments by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright."
Seems to me that a man who has been attending the same church for twenty years would share some of same opinions as his pastor, i.e. anti-American, and racially charged.
Exactly. "He doesn't want to be a continuing burden on the church" my a**!
"The church" is the burden that's dragging him down, but only because it has exposed him as the leftist radical and perhaps even racist he is (I am reserving opinion on the racist part for now, because it's an awful thing to accuse someone of, but he sure hangs out with some highly suspect individuals).
I know a lot of conservatives have big problems with McCain, but I gotta believe he'd be better for the country than Barack Hussein Obama.
(That was just for you, Karen!) ;-)
What with Tony Blair starting his One World Religion and his wife Cherie advertising her anti-Catholic credential the thought of Obama getting to 'rule the world' just creeps me out!!!
I know a lot of conservatives have big problems with McCain, but I gotta believe he'd be better for the country than Barack Hussein Obama.
Why, but Susan Sarandon says it'll be very dangerous if McCain gets elected...And I ALWAYS base my votes on celebrity opinions. ;-)
My mom loves Obama. She's also a flaming leftist. Go figure.
Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins promised to leave the country when Bush was reelected.
Still waiting.
Didn't a bunch of celebrities "threaten" to leave. Don't let the door hit ya on the arse on the way out!
B. Hussein Obama even makes Hillary (or Hildebeast, for Karen) look like a better "choice."
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