1. First Saint you "met"? St. Bernadette, via "Song of Bernadette" on the weekly "Family Classics" movie program hosted by Frazier Thomas, WGN-Chicago.
2. Favorite Saint(s)? Maria Goretti, Gianna Molla, Bl. Teresa of Calcutta, Margaret Clitherow, Catherine of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Therese of Lisieux, Bl. Andre Bessette, Thomas More, John Fisher (all the English martyrs, really), Jude (thank you for favors granted!), Francis of Assissi
3. Patron saint for the year? St. John of Avila
4. Favorite book by a saint? Story of a Soul
5. Saint book you are reading now? Well...not quite a saint book, but Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton
6. Favorite movie of a saint? Song of Bernadette was my first and is still is a sentimental favorite, sappy or no.
7. Favorite Autobiography/Biography of a saint? Story of a Soul
8. Favorite novel/book of a saint? I enjoyed "Pillars of the Earth" which touched on Thomas a Becket but was a novel.
9. Saint (besides your favorites) you'd want to meet? Mary Magdalene? That's a tough one because there are so many.
10. Saint you look to for help? Jude. He is going to run in the other direction if/when I get to heaven.
11.Favorite saint quote?
“Christ has no body now but yours
No hands, no feet on earth but yours
Yours are the eyes through which He looks with compassion on this world
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”
- St. Teresa of Avila
12. Favorite Holy Card? Gianna and Therese are tied.
13. Favorite story of a saint? Margaret Clitherow's good naturedness even as she awaited death by pressing, conversion of St. Augustine
14. If you could go anywhere on a pilgrimage to a saint's homeland, where would it be? Poland (Krakow and the Jagellonian for JPII and also for St. Faustina)
15. Any Blesseds or Venerables that you would like to become canonized? SoG's Fulton Sheen and John Paul II - both have converted so many hearts and minds, and Bl. Andre Bessette, who is on par with Therese for his beautiful humility and simplicity
I tag anyone who has a saint image on their blog! (Except dear Angela M., who tagged me with this one)
Inauguration Day
1 day ago
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