Believe it or not, after all the clacking and moaning you've endured here about the big 4-0, I am generally of the opinion that after about 21 or so, birthdays are no longer a big deal and should not be fussed over. A card and ceremonial cake at the office, sure. A day off if the schedule allows, fine. Dinner date with the beloved and kiddies, ideal. I also do not like getting gifts, other than handmade stuff from the kids, and the obligatory shiny bauble from my ever-seeking-to-spoil-me spouse. (Love that guy!) If I want something, I will select and buy it myself. Conversely, maybe perversely, I LOVE giving gifts to other people, and put much time and thought into getting just the right little thing they've mentioned or admired in the past, something they collect, a spa treat, whatever. (I am a freak, I know...but I am revered by those who know of my gift-picking and suitcase packing skills.)
So anyway, I put the word out through one of my best galpals and our collective hairdresser and did my best to avoid any attempts at surprise parties or other occasions where I might get some sort of oh-so-aptly named GAG gifts sprung on me. It worked! Got a fair number of emails, cards from a few family members, kind wishes from many of you, and best of all, I got to sneak away on my quick refresher trip (gift to me from me!) unscathed.
Essentially, I am very grateful for all that I did NOT get for my 40th...and I mean that most sincerely. I am looking ahead to 50. I am thinking it will be a nice little birthstone-inspired aquamarine-colored Vespa with matching helmet. I will then live out all my Roman Holiday fantasies in style...

So now that we've covered the next big milestone, I ask you, what is YOUR ideal birthday present (or non-present)?
Ah now, Kit, the DigiHusband saw me a-hankering for a news lens and said, "Why don't you just go and buy it, and consider it a birthday gift, 'cause I sure as hell don't know what you want for your camera!"
Romantice, n'est-ce pas?
Nonetheless, my birthday gift this year will be a Canon f1.4 50 mm lens. I wanted something fast for low-light situations and My Own Beloved was quite pleased when I told him what he had "bought" me.
Could I have a private papal audience with the Holy Father for my birthday, please?! Now that would be some gift! And a lovely framed photo of the event! Oh...and if the Holy Father could confirm my children, baptize and confirm my future DIL....
Digi - nothing wrong with that! Did I tell you about the fabulous Coach purse the baby - a baby with impeccable taste - selected for me this past Christmas when I was in SD doing my MCLE's? (I was at MCRD and the sale was too good to pass up!)
I think the sweetest thing I've ever received was in a brown paper package tied up with string, from the beloved. I don't even remember what was in it, honestly. I looked at the package and shook my head, thinking he was desperate and out of paper, then comprehension slowly dawned and I got all verklempt. He's a quiet, deep-thinking man, full of surprises. :)
PS Angela - AMEN!!! Maybe Digi's son will one day do the honors!
His Holiness Patrick I will oblige.
Cold hard cash on the barrelhead, baby! Failing that a book.
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