Can you imagine what must have gone through the minds of the women ....
If you've ever lost a loved one or endured a profound, life altering tragedy, don't you dream (by day or night) of the "what if's" and imagine what it would be like if you could bring the person back, what life would be like if the tragedy had never occurred?
Imagine the practical side of you confronted with the inexplicable miracle that you dreamed of, but did not dare let yourself believe. What those holy women must have thought, and how they must have felt!
The open tomb is the open door to eternity. It's the miracle of Easter, and the promise of our lives to come.
Hope you all have a wonderful, blessed Easter - I'll be away until next Thursday and will undoubtedly regale you with more earthly tales and far shallower thoughts then!

Happy Easter to all and Happy Birthday for tomorrow Kit!
Have a great holiday. We're looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back!
Kit, hope you had a Happy and Blessed Easter.
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Thanks ladies! I am back, refreshed, lightly browned, but tired and in a work-induced frenzy...hope you all had a lovely Easter, too! Updates soon...
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