Monday, August 18, 2008

What's the Statute of Limitations here?

Descendants of the Knights Templar are suing Pope Benedict for 700 year old wrongful seizure of property claims.



ArchAngel's Advocate said...

...and I thought the Templars were religious, so how can they have decendants???

Kasia said...

Not to mention - we had a really good discussion on this last night, TBS and the Friendly Neighborhood Canon Lawyer and I - what kind of doors this would open.

Like, could the Arabs then sue the Knights Templar for the carnage they wreaked in Jerusalem in whichever Crusade that was?

Could Christians then turn around and sue the Arabs for invading the surrounding territory and driving Christians out of the Holy Land?

And while we're at it, how about the Jews sue EVERYone, because pretty much EVERYone has screwed the Jews at some point.

And the Native Americans can kick us all back to our non-North American countries of origin...mutts like me will have to reside in three noncontiguous countries...