...the Boy's Godfather, whom I love like the younger brother I never had.
He has a lovely wife, a successful firm in only 2 years since start-up, a boundlessly generous heart...but then suddenly the market's tanked, it's Christmastime, work's busy, he has 3 kids aged 4 and under, he's not sleeping...he's severely, George Bailey depressed. He has a wonderful life, really, but like many people who suffer from depressive disorders, he doesn't see it.
I'm very worried. All of my standard rallying tactics have failed, and that's saying something. I will be having a heart to heart with him tomorrow and will not rest until he seeks outside assistance.
Please keep my friend in your prayers, and wish meddlesome me luck.
St. Dymphna, pray for us!
Two Lent Ideas
4 days ago
May the consolation of the Holy Spirit touch his heart and give him strength. And may God give you the right words and gestures to touch his heart.
Praying. Depression is a horrible illness. May he keep up the fight.
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