We went to Mass at a different-than-usual parish yesterday due to cheerleading camp conflicts today. From the local cluster bulletin:
Winter Solstice Celebration: Come and celebrate this very special night with hot chocolate & cookies at a beautiful ceremony at the [Parish] labyrinth TODAY, Sunday, December 21st at 7:00 p.m.
Two Lent Ideas
4 days ago
Gag. And I thought the Advent liturgical dancers at the one parish in Chatham was bad. (It is, but this is exponentially worse...)
So, in essence, this Catholic church is inviting you to a pagan celebration.
Uh . . . no.
Do you have a link?
Rich - I checked and this cluster (Ss Casimir, Charles Borromeo, and Lourdes) doesn't have a website, but I'd be happy to scan and email it to you.
The labyrinth is at Lourdes, and was designed and implemented by the same DRE who required confirmandi and parents to sit through 6 weeks of "Confirmation is like the Wizard of Oz" classes last year. We'll be homeschooling and heading to Scranton for our next child's confirmation.
Scan and send it, Kit. I'll post.
My reaction when I read this..... "WHAT??????"
Before we condemn the whole cluster, St. Casimir has had Eucharistic Adoration 24/7 in their chapel. This has been going on since the early 90's.
It's not an overall condemnation IC - I've made the trip down to St. Cas more than once for adoration - it's an unlikely oasis down there in that basement, but I like it. The Polish parishioners do a lovely job singing hymns, too - it's just sad that there are fewer and fewer of them each year.
Kit, become an honorary Pole! [Ask them where they usually attend Mass. St. Cas? And WHICH Mass of the day? Might be worth the drive to save your sanity.]
But "Winter solstice?" WTF?
And Wizard of Oz classes. Oh, do TELL. It sounds like a perfect daymare!
I second Kasia's gag!
This is the sort of thing that makes me think about converting to Orthodoxy: At least then I'll actually be able to tell that I'm inschism, and hear less outright heresy and christological blasphemy!
My biggest thought? go punch the Bishop
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