Oh my...

Going on a field trip to NYC at 4:45 am with the Princess and her French class for a day trip of Broadway, Museum, Mme. Tussauds...with 22 hormonal teenagers who are obsessed with this movie and the live show.
St. Genesius, according to legend, was a comedian who converted to Christianity. While performing a farcical version of Christian baptism on stage for the Emperor Diocletian (Roman Emperor and persecutor of the Church, born 245, died 313), Genesius suddenly had a revelation and refused to continue to make fun of Christianity. Diocletian was outraged and ordered the actor's death. He was tortured, torn with hooks, beheaded, and burned on stage. (He is also described as patron saint of lawyers, printers, and secretaries.) His feast day is August 25.

4.45am? I wish I'd known. You could have waited up for the Football Fanatic and I could have gone to bed.
I'll give the same advice to you as I gave to my priest when he went to NYC for the first time - keep walking, make no eye contact . . .
And have fun! Food purchased from street vendors is safe to eat and I suggest you have a Sabrett's hot dog with the onions in tomato sauce.
No one - NO ONE - ever wins at 3-card monte, so tell the boys not to even try.
I assume you are getting from Times Square to museum via subway. Stand away from the platforms.
What? No visit to St. Patrick's Cathedral?!
Oh yes, forgot to mention that -- we are indeed going to St. Patrick's.
I love going into the city...with the family or a few friends, not a horde. One of the Princess' "former friends" has an oncologist dad, who bought a new 2 bedroom "weekend" apt. on 87th (across the street from where "Wicked" is playing) so until the great war began between the girls, she was invited down for a few weekends on her own, too.
I am just not a large or a tourist group person. But it's the class trip, she has watched that DVD dozens of times, has both soundtracks, the piano music...and they had a few drop out, so I'm bringing the younger one, too. It's supposed to rain. I have a not-collagen fat lip. Until I get my permafangs, I can't drink anything to keep me up or knock me out in an emergency. Gimme strength!
Oh, dear. I remember how much I loooooved Phantom in high school. It's designed to appeal to maudlin teenage girls...those prayers will be needed... :-p
I wonder why St. Genesius is the patron of secretaries? Do we have a history of being torn with hooks and burned at our desks?...
Kasia - you are SO right on that first part!
As for the latter...depends on the boss! (You could easily sub in "first year associate attorneys" too.)
What a blast. I had just come across my St. Genesius medal the other day. [He is hard to find and I mislayed him for a bit. I asked St. Anthony aka "Tony" to me, to help find my St. Genesius medal and he did!
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