I finally got my first nasty, psycho-wacko, cuckoo-loco comment, which I have summarily deleted. It had to do with condemning me, Catholicism, conservatives, the military, lawyers, my children, my pets, you name it.
. . .
I decided not to deface this main page with the stupid things that my deranged commenter said, so I've shifted the post - or manifesto, if you prefer - to the combox. I'd rather keep the more positive stuff front and center.
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Er...I think that told him, Kit.
And here I was afraid I might've been too subtle...
I finally got my first nasty, psycho-wacko, cuckoo-loco comment, which I have summarily deleted. It had to do with condemning me, Catholicism, conservatives, the military, lawyers, my children, my pets, you name it.
Those of you who drop by every so often probably have a good "read" on me by now, but just in case, I'll revisit some of the main accusations here:
Is this a "another Catholic hate blog?" Well, no. It's a blog by a fairly devout (but admittedly, occasionally irreverent and inaccurate) Catholic woman who enjoys living, working, and debating healthily with people of all sorts. I will call out immoral/unhealthy/unjust/illegal behavior when I see it.
I don't "hate all people who aren't Catholic," but I am singularly unimpressed with non-Catholics/broken Catholics who hate me because I am, and I avoid interacting with anyone who spews such foolhardy ignorance as much as I can. And no, "being Catholic" does not "make [me] perfect," nor am I humorless prig, judgmental, mean, or any such nonsense. I am a sinner, I recognize it, and unlike certain crazed, bitter individuals, I work at fixing my defects. It doesn't always work, but I do try. (The first step is admitting you have a problem, right? Work on it, oh-so-angry one...) I do indeed have a "warped sense of humor," but then I figure that's one of my more positive attributes. Along with packing well, shopping, cooking, and slaying most people at cards and board games without really trying.
Am I "pro-war?" Well, it depends on the war and its purpose (like standing up to evil and pushing back any force or ideology that threatens any/all of the following: the world, Christianity, women, children, this country, and our personal liberty and safety), but overall, no, I am not a fan of war.
I am, however, unabashedly pro-military and military family. Between my dad (Vietnam-era Navy dentist stationed and serving with the Marines at Camp Pendelton for his 2 commissions), stepfather (Vietnam Air Force fighter pilot and ANG retiree), brothers and nephew (Army officer and enlisted), and my husband, brother in law, and father in law (retired Marines all...ooh-rah!), it's a way of life that I am proud of. And I will always advocate for the families who endure separation, fear, death, and who exist hand-to-mouth between paydays.
Example: my husband, a career USMC firefighter, earned roughly $33,000/yr - with housing allowance included, at the time he retired as the SNCOIC (ass't fire chief, basically) of his unit. Several of his subordinates, who elected not to reenlist after 9/11/01, went to work for the San Diego Fire Dept., where 20-year veterans easily make in to the $60-70K range as chiefs and captains. So "free healthcare" aside, it was a sacrifice and a statement of honor and unerring sense of duty to his country and Corps that kept him "in" for 20 years, he'd do it all again tomorrow if asked, and I'd be right there giving him all possible support. You are welcome to your opinions about policy, but you will not bash or belittle any service, its members, or their families here. I suspect you have no concept of what "selflessness" and "sacrifice for a greater good" means.
My politics are pretty simple: I'm independent, I will never support a pro-abort candidate of any party, and I carry no card that tells me which lever to pull or button to push. I have a mind of my own, and I'm not afraid to use it. Same thing goes for my conscience.
Yes, I am a lawyer. A pretty good one, IMNSHO, but definitely not a "rich elitist" one...at least until I pay off my student loans (see, I went to law school of my own volition and on my own dime....) and return to full-time practice when my family responsibilties allow it. FYI, my background is in employment law - a mixture of civil rights, workers' compensation, and Social Security - with a few strange sides of construction, special-needs, and business formation tucked in to help pay for the student loans. So no, I am not "out to screw honest people for being liberals" - to the contrary, I tend, in fact, to help them get others to pay for their problems. See, I like helping people out of some of life's jams, but not out of jail.
Are we clear now?
Come after me with your abject stupidity, I couldn't care less...irrationally arrived at opinions and lunatic rantings don't bother me, I'll publish and refute them. But mention or in any way mess with my kids, and you're done for, on screen, in print, and most definitely in person. (You see, we are big 2nd Amendment supporters here in the big brick house by the brook.)
Lastly, if you want me to "rot in hell" well, so be it. If I can't manage to die in a state of grace (which I fully intend to), I guess I'll look forward to meeting you there.
As you have no blog and have apparently deleted your cowardly identity, I suppose it doesn't signify that you are free to say whatever you want on your own blog. If you had sufficient sack, you'd take a stand and make a case for what you choose to believe in, as bizarre as I (and most of my visitors here) would find it.
Nevertheless, I will pray that whatever anger and torment you are going through, the kind that would prompt you to say such vile and mostly unprintable things to someone unknown to you, resolves itself and that you are able to find some sort of peace with yourself and with others.
(Yes, friends, he found the Red Zone when he said sick things about my girls)
Honestly, responding to people like that only gives them the false impression that they had something to say in the first place.
When that happens to me, I generally laugh at the individual. Nothing gets to folks like that the same way laughing at them does, and laughter is good for you.
Thanks Jane, for stopping by and for your thoughts. I'd love to laugh in the face of such a fool...
The last time someone sent me a nastygram over email, I played stupid, deliberately misunderstood everything she said as if it were all a compliment or sarcasm, and kept interjecting the email with "You're so funny!" and "Oh, man, this is awesome! I love how you're implying {whatever} as if anyone actually thinks that!"
The reaction was volcanic, and I got a vindictive thrill out of that. Something else for God to put on my tab, no doubt, but I was younger and a lot rougher around the edges then...
Laughter is still the best response, but baiting the flamer isn't something I recommend. No matter how much fun it is. :(
My angry friend has not followed up. Not sure if I'm disappointed or not. Maybe I scared him off (he did delete his username). Or maybe he's taken up a fortified position across the river?
I like to leave the nutters' comments undeleted, because I think they need to be seen for the vomit that they are. The Internet allows some fascinating observations of people's behavior since they can cloak themselves in anonymity. I say, "Bring it on!"
And next time one comes by, tell him or her or it that their comments can be posted over at the Digital Hairshirt if they want a pissin' match. ;-)
I thought it's about time I left a comment, as you have been visiting my blog lately ~ thank you!
I am so sorry you got a nasty comment...I pray that you won't get any more, and I will pray too for the soul of this person. We all need Grace, but some need more than others!
Bless you,
AutumnRose xx
Hi AR - thanks for visiting...usually this is a much kinder, gentler place than what you've seen today!
Again, congratulations on your healthy anniversary and on lovely little Poppy!
Digi - thanks! I'd battle alongside you in the trenches any day! :)
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