Tuesday, March 24, 2009

They Walk Among Us

I wonder why the FLDS compounds get all the press while this city-compound and others of its ilk are apparently so numerous ("hundreds"), yet relegated to the obscure sections of the news...not that I'm a fan of the FLDS, but you know what I'm sayin'.


Kasia said...

At first I thought it was like Ave Maria, Florida.

Until I read the part about regular community target practice.

How close is this place to you?

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

But we're not fighting a war on terror anymore, it's all apart of the hope and change....

Silly president.

Larry Denninger said...

How quaint. The all-American sleeper cell bedroom community.

Packrat said...

We have our share of little compounds close to us - almost as scary as the one you just pointed out. A couple up north have made big news; these are quiet at least for now. What is scary about the local ones here is that the people look and dress just like us. They send their kids to the local schools. We see them in the store, at the bank, etc. They call and want there computers fixed. Oh, yes, there is an unofficial FLDS compound nearby, also.