UPDATE #3: 9/22/08: Jack is home! $700 and a th0roughly distressed bladder later, we are on a "wait and see" regimen. Thanks so much for all your prayers and warm wishes for our furry little baby-sitting, sock-slaying kittyman.
UPDATE #2: I have no idea what has happened, but update #1 from yesterday has disappeared! Anyway, Jack's still in the kitty hospital. He managed to remove his own kitty-catheter overnight last night, so was in rough shape again this morning. When the vet put it back in, Jack took it right back out. (Take THAT, Foley!) He is on 3 types of sedatives (anti-spasmodic, anti-anxiety, and a tranquilizer) to prevent a repeat, as well as IV antibiotics. The problem is not crystalline, it's blood clots and there could be permanent scarring and even more narrowing...which makes him very susceptible to these in the future.Poor, poor kittyman. We may bring him home Sunday or more likely on Monday.
...my poor Jackie is in emergency kitty surgery right now. He was fine and did his 5 am "wake humans up for breakfast" ritual yesterday morning, followed by the normal "sleep all day" regimen, but failed to show up for his usual "romp all evening with humans and doggies" routine. Happens every so often. Instead, he remained in the basement all night, throwing up, and when we found him curled up in a pile of laundry this morning, he could barely walk. So far, they are thinking some sort of intestinal blockage coupled with a UTI.
The vet was astonished at the rapid onset, could not catheterize him without really hurting him, and so they whisked him right away to knock him out, empty him out and see what's going on.
The Beloved, for all his USMC bravado, is a very tender vittle when it comes to the livestock. He's texting me about every 30 seconds. I am so worried...
Inauguration Day
1 day ago
Prayed for Jackie. Do keep us updated as to how he's doing and what exactly happened.
Poor kitty! I hope he feels better. Dante and Josie send their best wishes.
If Miko and Dodge could, they would send lovin's to Jack. So I will instead. And certainly a few prayers - St. Francis, St. Martin? A little help?
Keep us posted...
Poor kitty - it's so sad when pets are sick - I can only imagine how you must feel. Praying here.
Thanks everyone...the vet is talking long-term and "quality of life issues" today (Sat), and I am trying not to get weepy.
YAY that Jack is home!!! And really, $700 is a lot of money, but it could have been a LOT worse. My old boss actually took her cat to a kitty cardiologist when he was dying of congestive heart failure or somesuch. I didn't even know there was such a specialization...
My nuzzles and cuddles to the big tough kittyman!!
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