Just got a huge-group email (from one of my favorite leftists) containing the following one-liner :
Sarah Palin needs to be reminded that Jesus Christ was a community organizer, and Pontius Pilate was a governor!
Oh, the joys of the "Reply to All" feature...my rejoinder:
[Sender] needs to be reminded that OBAMA IS NOT JESUS CHRIST!
I will not sport with your intelligence by posting some of the nasty replies I've gotten from others on the group list - use your imagination - but suffice it to say, it's the first time in the last 10 days that my "smile muscles" have gotten such a workout.
Liberals are so easy...
Inauguration Day
1 day ago
Not to mention, I think Jesus Christ played a role somewhat more than simply a community organizer.
Of course, it's this type of thinking that leads people to refute His miracles and make stupid-ass comments like, "The loaves and fishes? Well, the actual miracle was that he got people to share their food with others, that's what really happened . . ."
Oh, Kit, send it to me so I can hit "Reply All" too! Share the fun, c'mon!!!
Or, as I've heard recently:
(Seriously, though. I live in Chicago. If that's Obama's "organization", we need none of it for the US. 124 murders in 30 days - YEAAAH baby! The area of Chicago he "organized" is a freaking wasteland where it's not safe to be, day or night. And ACORN is a front for mafia-type extortion. I love how no one outside of Chicago seems to understand this.)
To paraphrase abother presidential candidate "I know Jesus Christ, and Mr. Obama, you is no Jesus Christ"
Cathy - I LOVE IT!
Cathy, come over to the Hairshirt for a tribute to your cleverness.
Cathy - AMEN on the Chicago thing. I've tried to explain the Chicago politics to people around here and they can't grasp it. Particularly the academia nuts I have to deal with at the college. I am very unpopular in that setting at the moment.
come to think of it, wth does a community organizer do?: start radical forms of Marxism? oh wait, that'd be right! (Thinks, Hitler, Fidel, Stalin, Chavez...etc)
IN the case of Chicago/ACORN, they do things like register jailbirds and dead people to vote (D).
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