Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Re-Birthday!

To the TLM, courtesy of last September 14th's official issuance of the Summorum Pontificum....we're celebrating one year of liberation from suppression! (I know I'm a little late, but hey, we can still party!)

(Graphic shamelessly stolen from our dear Thorn)

When the winds of Ike hit NY last night and I was lying awake listening to doors slamming on the 3rd floor and tree limbs cracking, I watched EWTN's coverage of the Pope's Mass at Lourdes and then the special Mass on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, said by priests of the Institute of Christ the King in the Extaordinary Form. It was beautiful! And don't get me started on the quantity and quality of the man-lace. It was pure eye and spiritual candy. But as I watched, I half-wished I could turn on subtitles so I could follow along substantively (I'm pretty good on the form - i.e., the order, the basic prayers and responses).
This got me to thinking - wouldn't it be great if EWTN did that in their rebroadcasts? Just to help get people reacclimated or in the case of those under 40, to introduce and familiarize them with the TLM. Maybe even some commentary (this is why the dude on the left keeps kissing the middle guy's hand, this is why they're adjusting their vestments, putting on and taking off the biretta) to help de-mystify certain aspects.

For now, I'm just going to dust off my handy-dandy TLM handbook/translator and keep it at the bedside for future late-night viewing.

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