Tuesday, June 3, 2008

2 weeks too late...

Cardinal Francis George, the Archbishop of Chicago, announced Tuesday that Pfleger was to be removed from his post, at least temporarily.

“To put recent events in some perspective, I have asked Father Michael Pfleger, Pastor of St. Sabina’s Parish, to step back from his obligations there and take leave for a couple of weeks from his pastoral duties, effective today,” Cardinal George said in a statement.

But wait...the parishioners don't agree! (Link issues with Blogger this evening - you'll have to cut and paste):



Kasia said...

They're protesting? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

swissmiss said...

Dems think "Father" P is an embarrassment to Obama. Well, right back at ya there folks, he's a black eye on the Church too!

Cathy said...

Yeah, Swissie, I was amused by the irony of it all, too.

"What a dolt!" -Flaming liberal

"I know, right?!" -Traddie Catholic

Four horsemen to see you, sir.

Send them in, Martha.